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Helping Your Pet Recover From Surgery
March 15, 2018

Is your pet going to be having surgery soon? Whether your four-legged buddy is going in for a routine procedure, such as spay/neuter surgery, or having an operation to correct or treat a medical issue, you may need to offer some extra TLC as he or she recuperates. Here, a Fort Bragg, NC vet offers some tips on helping your pet recover from surgery.

After Care Instructions

Your vet will provide specific after-care instructions, which will include information on administering any medications. Be sure to follow the directions to the letter. If there is something you aren’t certain about, ask your vet for specific advice. It never hurts to ask questions!


Make sure your pet has a clean, comfy bed to rest in. This may be a great time to get your animal companion a new bed!

Quiet Time

If you have other pets, you may want to keep your animal companions separated, at least for the first few days. Consider setting up a back room with bedding, water, and other necessities, so your furry pal has a quiet, comfy spot to rest and recuperate.

The Lampshade

Your vet may recommend that your pet wear an Elizabethan collar, which is also known as the Lampshade of Shame. You may be able to use an inflatable collar instead. Your furry friend will probably hate the device, and will immediately start giving you adorable sad and/or accusing looks. However, wearing the collar is definitely in your pet’s best interests. These collars help keep animals from worrying at their stitches, which, as you can imagine, can be quite problematic. If your four-legged pal is extremely agitated by the collar, and/or tries to escape it, ask your vet for specific advice.

Warning Signs

Keep a close eye out for signs of infections or complications. While these will vary a bit, depending on what type of surgery your furry buddy has, there are some common ones to watch for. Some of these include fever, lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. You’ll also want to keep an eye on the incision site, and look for redness, swelling, pus, and/or ripped stitches. Contact your vet or an emergency clinic immediately if you see any of these red flags.

Please contact us, your Fort Bragg, NC veterinary clinic, for all your pet’s care needs. We are dedicated to providing the best care around!