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Tips For Adopting A Rescue Dog

Are you thinking about getting a dog? If that’s the case, you might want to

Helping Your Kitty Beat The Summer Heat

Summer is coming up quickly. While the worst of the heat may not arrive for

Pallas Cat Day

You’ve heard the saying that every dog has its day. Well, we think every kitty

Dog Bite Prevention Week

Dog Bite Prevention Week always takes place during the second week of April. This is

Silly Pet Jokes From A Fayetteville, NC Veterinary Clinic

Here at Cross Creek Animal Hospital, we usually utilize our blog space to share helpful

How Can I Stop My Pet From Itching?

Have you noticed the dog or cat seems itchy lately? It’s probably not a big

Senior Dog Feeding Tips

Is your canine buddy a furry, four-legged senior? Fido is cute at all stages of

February is Prevent A Litter Month

Love often sets the tone for February, particularly with Valentine’s Day approaching, adorning stores with

Grooming A Senior Cat

There are many things to love about our feline friends, but one reason they make
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