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Dangerous Pet Toxins You Might Already Have at Home
August 1, 2018

That’s right—you might already have one or more of these hazardous pet toxins in your home or apartment. It’s important to keep your pet safe from harm! Fortunately, that’s easily accomplished with some simple precautions. Learn more here from a vet in Fort Bragg, NC.

Toxic Foods

There are all sorts of human foods that pets shouldn’t ingest. The list includes grapes and raisins, garlic, onions, chives, leeks, scallions, shallots, chocolate, candy, gum, fatty foods, salty items like chips or pretzels, avocado, and alcohol of any kind. The trick is keeping any and all foods safely stored in cabinets, containers, or the refrigerator. That way, your pet can’t get their paws on anything dangerous!

Human Medicines

A variety of human medications—aspirin, antidepressants, over-the-counter pills, prescription drugs, cough syrup—can cause poisoning in a pet who manages to swallow enough. That’s why it’s essential that you keep your medicine cabinet tightly shut and locked at all times. It’s also a good idea to store your pet’s own medicine in a separate area from human meds, so that the two don’t get mixed up.

Poisonous Plants

Did you know that there are hundreds of plants and flowers that can cause harm to a pet? Dieffenbachia, philodendron, rhododendron (also known as azalea), oleander, tulips, lilies, ivy, daffodils, the sago palm, various aloe plant species, and elephant ear are just a few examples. Consult your veterinarian to find out what kind of dangerous plant life is most common in your area, and take steps to remove any offenders from your home or garden immediately.


Pesticide products, as well as similar items like herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers, are a big no-no for pets. Don’t allow pets to come in contact with dangerous chemicals in your garage or garden shed. If you set up pesticides inside your home to ward off insects or intruding rodents, use pet-safe varieties or choose a non-toxic option, like traps.

Cleaning Products

Your pet isn’t likely to actively seek out a cleaning chemical to drink, but it’s not worth the risk. Almost any household cleaning product—common disinfectants, bleach-based products, carpet cleaner, furniture polish, and much more—could poison a pet who ingests it! Keep pets elsewhere when using strong chemicals, and store cleaning products safely in the supply closet.

Want to know more about pet toxins in your home? Call your Fort Bragg, NC veterinarian for help!